Student Wellbeing at Woodlands
Most of the student wellbeing work at Woodlands is done at a classroom level with the teaching staff. Your child’s teacher is almost always the best place to start if you are looking for additional information and support. The Student Wellbeing Coordinator is an additional resource for support.
Student Wellbeing Coordinator
The Student Wellbeing Coordinator helps teachers and Integration Aides in their support of children with disabilities, mental health difficulties, learning challenges and welfare concerns that impact on their ability to engage at school.
We are able to facilitate some referral options for counselling or assessment for possible disability where difficulties are having an impact on children in the school environment. There can be waiting lists involved for these resources, and in some cases students may not be eligible, but please get in contact if you would like to discuss additional support options.
Katrina Hooke is the full time Student Wellbeing Coordinator at Woodlands Primary School. Katrina is a psychologist, and while counselling and psychological assessment are not a part of her role at Woodlands, this background and experience is beneficial.

Positive Education
Our school is totally committed to ensuring the health, safety and wellbeing of every member of our school community. Woodlands Primary School has partnered with Elisabeth Murdoch College, Langwarrin Primary and Langwarrin Park Primary to create the Langwarrin Positive Education Network. Together, we strive to improve wellbeing at a school and community level.
Positive Education brings together best-practice teaching with the science of Positive Psychology, to help all students reach their academic and personal potential. Based on the research, we have developed ‘THRIVE’. Our THRIVE model outlines 6 simple actions you can take to build robust levels of wellbeing, which are: TRY your best, be HEALTHY, RELATE well, get INVOLVED, live your VALUES, ENJOY positive emotions.
To learn more about THRIVE visit our website and follow us on Facebook.
Woodlands Primary School is part of the Langwarrin Positive Education Network. The THRIVE program is based on the principles of Positive Psychology and aims to improve the mental health and general wellbeing of all our students, staff and families.
Seasons for Growth
Seasons for Growth is a small group grief and loss education program. It is based on the belief that change and loss are part of life and grief is a normal response to these losses. The Seasons for Growth program provides an opportunity for children to learn the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to understand and respond well to grief and loss experiences (e.g. death, separation, divorce).
Keep an eye on the newsletter for opportunities for your child to be part of this program (there can be a wait involved).
We have partnered with Ozchild who employ mental health professionals to provide counselling to students in schools.
PLAY leaders
Some of our Year 5 and 6 leaders have completed training to become PLAY leaders. PLAY leaders facilitate games and activities for other students in the yard at lunch time.
Lunch time programs
We run a range of lunchtime programs, with something available for students every day as an alternative to playing in the yard (link to timetable).
THRIVE awards
Every week our teachers award students for demonstrating positive traits and behaviours in line with our THRIVE values.
Act of Kindness awards
Students have the opportunity to nominate their peers for an award when someone has done something kind for them.
Buddy Program
Our Year 5 students love supporting their Foundation buddies throughout the year. Buddies help with the transition to primary school, spend time in the classroom together and help each other out around the playground when needed.
Transition support
Students transitioning in and out of Woodlands Primary School (coming in to Foundation or leaving us for secondary school) are supported through transition programs.

Resources for Parents
KidsMatter is a leading mental health organisation for young people. They have produced fact sheets and other resources designed for children & their families. To access their many resources, visit Resource Library
Supports and nurtures positive, caring relationships between parents, children, teenagers and the significant other people who are important to the well-being of families. Visit the website for more information or call 13 22 89.
Raising Children Network
Is an Australian parenting website that provides comprehensive, practical child health and parenting information and activities covering children aged 0-15 years.
Family Relationships Online
The advice line complements the information and services offered by Family Relationship Centres. The website offers access to information about family relationship issues, ranging from building better relationships to dispute resolution.
Lifeline provides all Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to 24-hour counselling support and suicide prevention services that can be accessed by calling 13 11 14 or on their website.
Is a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance-use disorders in Australia. If you need help you can contact 1300 22 4636 or visit the website to seek support.
Local Professionals
If you or a family member needs support, below are a couple of directories that may assist you to find the right service.
Child & Youth Services
Mornington Peninsula Child and Youth Directory helps families find information and service providers relevant to their needs.
Health Services
Health Engine helps you search for Doctors, Dentists, Psychologists, and many more health professionals in your local area.
Frankston Community Directory
helps you search for informaiton and health, social and support services.
Resources for Students
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline has a section just for teens which offers information and counselling for people aged 13-25 years. The counselling is free and confidential and can be accessed by calling 1800 55 1800, emailing counsellor@kidshelpline.com.au or webchat.

Music eScape
Developed by Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre. This app allows you to create a mood map of your existing music library and select music to express and enhance your mood.

ReachOut Breathe
Developed by ReachOut a leading online youth mental health service. This app can measure heart rate and helps guide deep breathing by touching the screen.

Smiling Mind
Developed by mental health professionals this app provides different meditations and mindfulness exercise for every age group. It also allows you to rate your mood and track your progress.

Uplifted is a game that allows you to record acts of kindness, gratitude, anticipation, positive events and character strengths.